Debra Mullins

The 31 Days of Books Giveaway!

My very first book, ONCE A MISTRESS, was published in January 1999, which means January 2014 marks my fifteenth anniversary as a published author. In that fifteen years I’ve written fifteen books–14 currently available and one in production, due out sometime in 2014. Ever since I can remember, getting published was my dream. To celebrate, I’ve decided to give away a book every day in the month of January.

Here’s how it works:

– I’m giving away a paperback copy of one of my backlist titles each day.  (No e-books)

– To be eligible to win, all you need to do is comment on that day’s blog. Everyone who comments gets entered into that day’s drawing.

– I will select one winner a day and email you to request your mailing address.

– The drawing pool starts all over again each day with each new blog topic.

– You may only win twice during the month before being entered in the Hall of Fame, which means you can’t win anymore. 🙂

First blog goes up on January 1. This ought to be fun!
