Debra Mullins

Second Post in the 31 Days of Books Giveaway: Take Action

Congratulations to Maria Stefanopoulos, who won yesterday’s drawing! I’ll be emailing Maria to get her address and her choice of book.

Yesterday’s discussion on how to achieve big goals has inspired me. To that end, I have a couple of goals I’m going to set right now. And then it’s time to Take Action. Taking action is the next step to setting goals. I mean, we could set as many goals as we want, but we’re never going to get there if we don’t Take Action. Here are my goals:

Goal 1 – Finish one paranormal book and one historical book in 2014

Goal 2 – Begin a new eating regimen on Sunday and stay on it for at least 3 weeks

I know I can achieve at least part of Goal 1. I have a third paranormal romance due to my publisher in 2014, and nothing sets a fire under me like a contract deadline. But the second half, finishing a historical, is harder because there is no contract. I have several projects started, and I keep hopping from one to the other, never finishing any of them. In order to achieve the second part of Goal 1, I need to create a realistic, self-imposed deadline for a historical and stick to it. If that means doing page breakdowns on my calendar like I do when I am working on a contract deadline, so be it. I have to treat a deadline for myself as seriously as I treat a deadline for a publisher.

For Goal 2, I have all the tools to begin my weight loss journey, but I wasn’t about to set myself up for failure by trying to start during the holidays! Now that life is settling down again, I can focus on the changes I need to make. I heard it takes doing something for at least three weeks to make it a new habit, so that’s my first goal: start a plan and stay on it for three weeks. I’ll check back with you guys around January 25 to let you know how I did.

Have you been thinking about your goals for this year? Do you want to set one and check back at the end of the month to see how well you did?

If one of your goals is to win a free book, please leave a comment to be entered in today’s drawing. Good luck!

