Debra Mullins

Fourth Post in the 31 Day Book Giveaway: eBooks vs. Paper – What Do You Think?

Congratulations to  Raonaid Luckwell, who won yesterday’s drawing! I’ll be emailing Raonaid to arrange delivery of her choice of book.

Today I’d like to talk about how you like to read. Do you prefer eBook or paperback?

Lots of people I know adore holding a book in their hands. They love the smell of the paper. They swear they will never read electronically.

I used to be one of these people. Even though I work with computers in my day job, I was suspicious of e-readers. Because I loved holding the book in my hands. I loved the smell of the paper. I swore I would never read electronically. (Sound familiar?) I have shelves and shelves of books in my house, dating back over twenty years. Old favorites. Duplicates of some that had started to fall apart because I’d re-read them so much. A TBR pile that never seems to get smaller. I was a paperback reader.

Then one year my family got me a Kindle for my birthday, and that was it. Suddenly I had all my books right in my hand in one convenient device. Going on vacation? You don’t have to pack a bag of books anymore. Just bring your e-reader fully loaded! Takes up less space, and you don’t have to guess about what you might want to read next because you have all your books with you. (Downside: You do have to turn it off at take-off and landing, which is not true of a paper book.) Is it two in the morning and you just finished a book in a series and need the next one right now? Click a button and it pops on your e-reader in seconds. For those who love convenience and instant gratification, e-readers are for you.

Not to mention eBooks are the only way to access some amazing indie authors. Love paranormal/fantasy? I found Cate Rowan in the electronic world, and she is fabulous!

I also like eBooks because it saves trees and takes up less space in my house. What about you? Are you an electronic reader, a diehard paper reader or a mix of both?

Anyone who leaves a comment will be entered in a drawing for a paperback book from my backlist!
