Debra Mullins

Day 6 of the 31 Days of Books Giveaway: If I Had a Time Machine…

Congratulations to  Raonaid Luckwell, who won yesterday’s drawing! I’ll be emailing Raonaid to arrange delivery of her choice of book. This is the second time Raonaid has won, which makes her the first inductee into the Hall of Fame!

Yesterday was a tough day. I had plans to write, but my husband got sick, and I ended up running around taking care of his household stuff as well as my own (taking down the Christmas tree, grocery shopping, getting dinner, etc.). This put a serious crimp in my plans to spend a quiet Sunday writing blogs and, oh yeah, maybe a book. 😛 I got the household stuff done, but my writing time shrank down considerably.

I made a random comment on Facebook about wishing I had a time machine or the DeLaurean from Back to the Future or a Time Turner like Hermione Granger did in the J.K. Rowling novels. Lots of people Liked it, and that got me thinking this might be a fun discussion on the blog today. So tell me, have you ever had days like that? What do you do when your carefully laid out schedule gets thrown out the window?

Share your time traveling dreams in the comments section and get entered in today’s drawing for a free paperback title from my backlist!
