Debra Mullins

Day 17 of the 31 Days of Books Giveaway: Alpha Heroes–Would You Want One As Your Mate?

Congratulations to Alina K. Field, who won yesterday’s drawing! I’ll be emailing Alina to arrange delivery of her choice of book.

For decades now, the heroes of romance novels have been mostly alpha males. An alpha male is the leader of the pack, the strongest and bravest of all the men around him. If there is a villain in the book, you believe the alpha male hero will triumph over him. Alpha males can be handsome or not, but they are attractive and compelling on a primal level to the heroine. She cannot resist his sexual allure.

Because alpha males are usually the leader, they assume they know what’s right for everyone. This may conflict with an independent heroine who believes that she knows what’s best for herself. The hero’s arrogance (yes, usually there is a touch of that) and possessiveness may infuriate her even as she is fighting her sexual attraction to him. Needless to say, the alpha male is usually a thorough and devastating lover.

In the end, though, our spunky heroine often manages to tame the alpha male with her love, at least as far as their relationship goes.

There are hundreds of examples of alpha males in romances. Wulfgar from The Wolf and the Dove by Kathleen E. Woodiwiss is an example that leaps to mind immediately. Sebastian from Lord of Scoundrels by Loretta Chase. There really are too many to name. All these alpha heroes give us that flutter in our chests, maybe a blush to our cheeks.

But could you deal with an alpha male as your mate in real life? For me, I love the fantasy, but as an independent American girl, it would probably get old real fast. But then again…hmmm…

Tell me your thoughts. Those who comment get entered in today’s drawing for a free paperback title from my backlist!
