Debra Mullins

Day 15 of the 31 Days of Books Giveaway: Goal Check–How Are You Doing With Your Goals?

Congratulations to Alisha Woods, who won yesterday’s drawing! I’ll be emailing Alisha to arrange delivery of her choice of book.

We talked about setting goals at the beginning of the month, and now we’re halfway through January already. I wanted to touch base with you all and see how you’re doing with your goals. Have you been able to make some progress in getting where you want to go?

I’ve had a slower start than I anticipated. My family’s been sick, and whenever that happens, I’m too busy running to manage my own tasks, never mind start anything new. However, I have taken some small actions to start my journey.

I’ve pulled out the materials for my eating plan, and I’ve started eating better quality foods, even if I’m not following the program completely yet. Today I’m listening to the motivational CD that comes with the kit. That’s all I can manage until everyone gets well again, and that’s okay. It’s something. It’s a start.

My revisions arrived for my second paranormal. I haven’t started my edits/rewrites yet. I’m thinking about how I want to approach things. This is my writing process. I’m a percolator. I have to let the ideas simmer in my mind for a while until they’re done. Then I hit the ground running. Again, I’ve taken small steps: I talked to my editor on the phone about the changes, and I printed out the manuscript. It’s sitting right here on my desk, and I already have an idea about how to tweak the beginning. It’s movement in the right direction.

What about you? Have you had a chance to take any action, no matter how small, towards your goals? Those who comment get entered in today’s drawing for a free paperback title from my backlist!
